Sabra S200075 (18.09.2009 )

James Couch


James bought this one as a parts car, not running and without a title.

Meanwhile the engine runs nice and he has a title.

James is moving North and won't have enough space to store his two Sabra's so he keeps the one he inherited.


Should use this pic elsewhere too shows the jack...etc.

The above pitures mostly date from before the time this car was for sale on Ebay. i.e. some time before I was contacted by a Dutch man "Raymond", a "Lotus"-man who thought it was a pity this car being standing there unattended to.
After some time it was for sale on Ebay. Jacob Shalit even persuaded a friend to bid on the car, to make sure it wouldn't get lost. Then the car was sold and the seller didn't reply anymore... another lost Sabra?
Untill I was contacted by James Cough: he inherited a Sabra and had  bidden on this one to get spare-parts and he won the car. Two new Sabras for me in Januari S200075 and S200081.
But this one's probably to be repaired too: as it's rather complete.  I've selected some extra pictures:
This one for the "differences"-page: i.e; non-adjustable front-suspension
Nice pic of the one-reservoir-clutch and brake-cylinder
Also nice... original unlockable filler-cap

More clear than 3 pics above: for the differences-page: the strengthening of the flailing arms is shorter than on "our"= later Sabras, question... from when... need more pictures.
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